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The Breath Of Life

There is no life without breath. Therefore, the quality of air that we breathe in is crucial in determining the state of our health and since health is wealth, there is nothing that can ever replace the priority of ensuring that the air we breathe in is safe for all. This is however challenging in recent years due to rapid development around the world.

While we seem to enjoy the perks of technological advancement and connectiveness with each other in our world today, all these came at a cost. Our climate and atmosphere are threatened through the consequences of Man’s many selfish actions. Dangerous pollutants are constantly emitted into the air, our forests are constantly cleared to make way for high rise buildings, and dangerous chemicals used in factories and households keep polluting our grounds and waters, which threaten the lives of animals and marine creatures. With such imbalances in the ecosystem, it would be strange if people’s health is not directly affected.

As a result of the diminishing beauty of the outer environment and the escalating attachments to technology, most people spend their time indoors. The World Health Organisation (WHO) highlighted that around 2.6 billion people are at risk of suffering from the sick building syndrome (SBS). While many are already falling sick due to breathing in heavily polluted air in our external environment, many more are also developing diseases caused by indoor air pollution. It appears that we are beginning to face a tough choice – whether or not it is better to go outdoors or stay indoors because either way, our health seems to be at risk.

Some of the common health conditions associated with polluted air include respiratory diseases, cardiovascular disorders, eye irritations and systemic toxicity.

Poor indoor air quality is the main cause of SBS. When buildings are designed and constructed in such a way whereby air circulation is poor and the improper use of harsh chemical cleaning agents within the premise may all lead to SBS. This is also one of the main reasons why the market of good quality air purifiers is booming as many are beginning to realise the importance of breathing in good and safe quality ai, which has a direct impact on one’s health, rest and even performance at school or work.

However, one of the most important factors always overlooked when it comes to the topic of maintaining good quality air within a household is our use of air conditioners (AC). Did you know that the chemicals used to maintain our air conditioners may compromise the quality of air that we breathe in? Toxicity derived from breathing in such harsh chemicals is particularly relevant for air conditioning users in hot countries.

The grimes, buildup of debris and bacteria are usually hidden away from the user’s sight. Irregular servicing and maintenance programmes for our air conditioning system may contribute to the reason why many AC users fall sick more easily from staying indoors. Even if one were to maintain a regular service and maintenance schedule with their AC technicians, very rarely do we give thought about the chemicals that they use to service our machinery that allows us to enjoy cooler temperatures within our homes.

Many refrigerants such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) damage the ozone layer while others can be potent greenhouse gases. Some countries have therefore prohibited importation of gases such as CFCs and regulate the importation of synthetic greenhouse gases. Poorly maintained equipment and improperly disposed machinery can cause refrigerants to leak into the atmosphere. While the need for maintaining cooler temperatures indoors is inevitable, the negative and adverse effects of improperly maintained equipment can be greatly reduced through proper measures.

Not only do the harsh chemical cleaning products used to service our ACs affect our health, they can also reduce the efficiency of the AC itself and in the long run, reduce its total lifespan. There will be a proliferation of problems waiting in line for AC users when the system begins to lose its efficiency. The harsh chemical cleaning agents can cause metal loss to its structure, which will in turn force the system to work harder and may incur the user higher costs. Over time, there may also be frequent breakdowns and depending on the cooling system that the user has opted for, replacing it may be a costly option.

AC users today however may opt for more eco-friendly AC services. There are AC specialist services that offer eco-friendly options that can greatly reduce the possibility of contamination of the air that we breathe in from our usage of ACs. Instead of using harsh chemical cleaning agents, they have opted for food-grade enzymes that are usually non-toxic, non-caustic, non-pathogenic, non-corrosive and non-destructive to the various components of your cooling system. The enzyme used is also biodegradable. Although this option may be just slightly costlier than the conventional methods all these years, such an option is therefore probably, at the moment, our best choice to opt for when it comes to responsible usage of ACs so that we do not exacerbate the existing air pollution dilemma that we already face as we enjoy the invention that facilitates cooler indoor temperatures. The health considerations in using enzyme cleaning solutions to effectively replace harsh chemical cleaning agents should already be the huge plus point in our decision-making.

At the end of the day, we must all become more proactive in ensuring that the air we breathe in, whether within the 4 walls or on the outside, should be as pure, clean and safe as possible by making the right choices.


Author: Geneviève Tan Shu Thung

Source: Holistic Living Annex